Cauliflower Wings

This recipe is insane and will change your life. It began with my flatmate making them, however, they were not glutenfree, so I decided to give it go and exchanged the regular flour to glutenfree flour – and it was amazing!

This recipe is adapted from an american recipe, so I tried to Europeanize it (in terms of measurement) (The original recipe;

You need;

  • 1 medium sized cauliflower head
  • About 120 ml of soy milk
  • About 120 ml water
  • 100 g flour (I used a glutenfree flour mix from Schär)
  • 2 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 tsp onion powder
  • 1tsp cumin
  • 1tsp smoked paprika
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp white pepper
  • 2 tbsp vegan butter
  • 2 dl (200 ml) of bbq sauce of your choice


Begin with putting the oven to about 230 degrees. Then break the florets of the cauliflour into ”wings” – in which ever size you like really. Line an oven tray with parchment paper.

Thereafter, make the sauce. Mix all the ingredients BUT the butter and the bbq sauce. The sauce should be just as thick so you can dipp the florets in them and they will get coated.

*NOTE sauce became very thick for me. I added another 70 ml of soy milk and another 50 ml of water. It should be just so thick that you can dip them and it should coat the florets. It kind of depends on the flour you are using.

Put the dipped florets on the oven tray and put them in the oven for 25 minutes. After half the time, take them out and turn them so both sides get baked. If the batter comes off still, put them back in the oven. It kind of depends on the oven as every oven is different.

While they are in the oven you can make the batter which you will coat the ”wings” with. I choose to use two different types of bbq sauce. One spicy and one with a smokey flavour so I would get two different tastes. The original recipe calls for a ”hot wing sauce” but I think that you can really just use any sauce you like! Just melt the butter and add the sauce. When the florets are done, take them out and toss them in the sauce until they are fully coated. Put them back in the oven for another 25 minutes (and turn them over after half the time).




Här kommer mitt recept på en veganisering och Low FODMAPisering av den svenska klassikern korvstroganoff!

Du behöver: (för cirka 4 personer)

  • Ett block Tofu
  • Salt och peppar efter smak
  • 5 dl Havregrädde
  • 2/3 tub Tomatpuré
  • Persilja (färsk!)
  • Två Morötter
  • En röd spetspaprika

Gör såhär:

Vira in tofun i en handduk och ställ något tungt på den (kallas för att pressa den, det gör att saften åker ut, den blir hårdare och tar åt sig kryddor och smaker bättre). Detta kan med fördel göras några timmar innan matlagning, men jag har oftast ingen framförhållning och kör bara en stund innan jag börjar laga mat, funkar också.

Skär tofun i bitar och salta och peppra. Stek dem i olja.

Riv morötterna och skiva paprikan, lägg dem i en kastrull med lite smör och salta och peppra (snåla inte med peppar!). Häll sedan i Havregrädde och tomatpuré och persilja. Sist lägg i tofun som du stekt. Salta och peppra mer om det behövs!

Serveras med ris/pasta/potatis och sallad!

*jag saknar grönsaksbuljong i detta recept, och om man har en FODMAP vänlig sådan Hemma så kör på det!

Aubergine and carrot pasta

Today I would like to share a tomato sauce I made for lunch. I have been experiencing it quite hard to make a low FODMAP tomato sauce that is tasteful, but I finally figured it out!

As with all my recipes, when I use spices I just use it according to taste, so I never really measure anything up and so on, I encourage you to do the same. Also I have a problem with salt, so would never tell anyone how much salt I actually use.

What you need (Recipe is for approx two people)

1 Aubergine
2 Carrots
Oil of choice for frying
Tomato Passata Basil (could use normal as well)
Red wine vinegar
Asafoetida (a spice that resembles garlic in its taste)
Fresh Basil
100 g glutenfree pasta (or 140 g of uncooked rice)

  1. Chop up the aubergine and grate the carrots while you are heating up the oil in a wok-pan. add the aubergine, and put asafoetida and salt after taste. I use quite a lot of asafoetida because I love the taste! When the aubergine is halfway cooked, add the grated carrots.
  2. Put in the tomato passata and add water depending on how liquidy you want the sauce to be.
  3. Chop the fresh basil and then add it together with some sugar (the sugar brings out the taste of the tomatoes, one tsp is usually enough). Lastly, add the red wine vinegar (after taste!)
  4. ENJOY with glutenfree pasta or rice!

I try to take nice pictures, I’m not quite there yet though…